
Showing posts from April, 2018
Hi, in this oportunity, I want to talk about the place that I frequently go to, the Maintencillo beach. This beach is a famous place, different people with their family to consider a quiet place. Also, the beach has a beautiful center, with many eccentric houses  but with a price more high because is a place when the importan people rest and it is a turistic beach with the most Argentina people. In general, the trip to the beach is of  2 hours from Santiago so that the place is a perfect option, This place is one of my favourite places to rest in the summer. All my family go to this beach in February month. We have a house thank the job of my father at 100 meters from the sea. Usually, we go for ten days but enjoy all days in the beach, I swimm in the sea with my brother, and play soccer in a inter-country champions. It's a perfect place in the perfect month beceause, 14th of february is the love day, and the comunity prepare a show with live music and tournament in the san
My name is Samuel and I have lived in Santiago Renca most of my life. I have 20 years old and study architecture in a second year in the university of chilean, I practice different sport but my favorites are soccer and basketball. I love the cats and have one that yours name is Percy. I listen different styles of music but prefer the reggaeton music.